MO-C930-IePD-F8-3 (Monday, 7/11/2022) 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Exhibit Hall | Forum 8
Purpose: Quality, patient safety, and optimization in medical imaging go beyond radiation dose monitoring and compliance with radiation regulations. They also include knowing how the department works, if the best practices are uniformly implemented and followed, and how efficient the team is. In this setting, remote monitoring software focusing on quality management can thrive. A newly introduced commercial software that remotely analyzes CT exams and calculates repeated scans was implemented in a large European university hospital and the findings were assessed.
Methods: The applied software automatically assesses the technique in CT exams, the deviations from expected and the impact on the department’s resources. Overall, 58623 exams performed on 6 scanners of the hospital in a period of 1 year were analyzed. A first quantification of time loss from repeated scans was performed. The calculated repeat rates were discussed with the team.
Results: Relatively high localizer repeat rates were found for CT imaging of extremities, with a maximum of 17.7% calculated for the elbow exam on the emergency scanner. Repeating a localizer during emergency cases is sometimes needed and is better than continuing with a potentially problematic one. Although repeated localizers are linked to lower excess radiation dose than repeated helical scans, the impact on lost time was found to be high. Another significant finding was the helical overlap repeat rate of 9.3% of an abdomen protocol; although it is a screening protocol addressed to a specific population and not used frequently, this issue was investigated further to assess the need for extra training to technologists.
Conclusion: With the new automated software, stakeholders have access to metrics depicting the actual situation of their department. For the first time they can quantify time and contrast loss due to repeats, as well as excess contrast and radiation dose burden to patients.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Niki Fitousi: Employee Qaelum NV Hilde Bosmans: Board Member and Cofounder Qaelum NV Timothy P. Szczykutowicz: Consultant GE, imalogix, AstoCT, AIDoc, ALARA Medical, On medical advisor board for GE, Imalogix. Research support by GE, Canon USA. Patent royalties with Qaelum and Jurgen Jacobs: CEO and Cofounder Qaelum NV
Quality Assurance, CT, Software
IM- CT: General (Most aspects)
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