PO-GePV-I-72 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
ePoster Forums
Purpose: A comprehensive software package (3DOSE) and user interface is developed to calculate critical organ doses for patients undergoing Azedra I-131 therapy in order to determine the maximum activity able to be delivered for each therapeutic cycle. The program includes the ability to generate regions of interest (ROI) from planar SPECT scans, and rapidly performs calculations of organ doses to select organs as well as the maximum activity corresponding to critical organ doses.
Methods: 3DOSE was developed using the Python Tkinter graphic user interface and a specialized Python module of ROI drawing, and subsequently utilizes the MIRD methodology to calculate dose to each organ. Calculated organ doses from 3DOSE were compared to calculations performed manually by medical physicists, who utilized organ ROIs defined by the performing physicians.
Results: The dose calculations to organs (kidneys, liver, lungs) performed by 3DOSE were in agreement with those calculated manually by medical physicists, within 10-20% deviation. The main source of deviation was found to be the difference in the curve fitting routine of the dosimetric dose biological decay used by 3DOSE and by manual calculations.
Conclusion: 3DOSE is a promising software capable of streamlining the dosimetry process of I-131 treatments, enabling a start to finish dose calculation that can be performed alone by a designated expert, and avoiding errors caused by miscommunication between the clinical personnel. The program was developed in-house for research applications by medical physicists at our institution supporting these therapeutic administrations.
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IM- SPECT : Quantitative imaging
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