PO-GePV-T-451 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
ePoster Forums
Purpose: Acoustic waves can be generated via the thermoacoustic effect in objects exposed to various radiation beams (laser, X-ray, proton, and electrical field) during cancer therapy. Usually, ultrasonic transducers need to be physically in contact with the patient through a coupling medium. However, physical contact, coupling, or immersion is not suitable for some clinical applications. Here, we propose to detect the radiation induced acoustic emission remotely via optical interferometry.
Methods: To determine the initial signal quality obtained using a commercial laser vibrometer device, a clear phantom was constructed as a coupling medium for an ultrasound transducer. Using a pulser/receiver system, the amplitude of the ultrasound was varied between 120-475V. This was repeated using a 1MHz and 5MHz transducer to demonstrate the bandwidth of the vibrometer when being used with an ultrasound signal. Another phantom was constructed with a black twist-tie added to verify a quantifiable signal using the vibrometer when confocal aligned with a 755nm laser set to fire at 1Hz. To demonstrate the sensitivity of the laser vibrometer, the laser power was varied between 3-100%.
Results: When observing the data received from the ultrasound, there was a clear signal that could be The photoacoustic signal data demonstrated a high SNR value with each of the varying energies from the laser. There was also a clear trend that could be seen, with increasing amplitude when increasing the laser power, with 3% yielding the smallest waveform and 100% giving the highest.
Conclusion: The work completed in this study demonstrates the potential of using such laser vibrometer device for non-contact measurements in radiation induced acoustic emissions. High SNR values were obtained through each test completed. The information provided can be further used to demonstrate the potential in using non-contact detection for other radiation emitting devices, such as x-ray or proton-based therapy.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was supported by the National Institute of Health (R37CA240806), American Cancer Society (133697 RSG 19 110 01 CCE). The authors would like to acknowledge the support from UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (P30CA062203)
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