PO-GePV-T-328 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
ePoster Forums
Purpose: To describe the automation of uploading clinical trial credentialing letters to IROC Houston’s database and submission of these to CTSU.
Methods: IROC provides many services and quality control programs in support of the NCI’s National Clinical Trial Network. One of these services is the credentialing process where credentialing status inquiries (CSI) are submitted by institutions desiring to be credentialed for radiotherapy protocols. IROC analyzes each CSI submission and if the institution meets all the credentialing requirements, issues a credentialing letter by sending it to the requester (Radiation Oncologist, Physicist, Dosimetrist, Clinic Coordinator) via e-mail. Upon receipt, the institution had to manually upload the credentialing letter to CTSU. Previously these data from the credentialing e-mails was manually added one by one to the IROC Houston database. A new program was developed by the IT group at IROC Houston. This program parses credentialing emails and uploads the data to our database. Another feature pushes the data from our database to CTSU.
Results: In 2021 5074 were manually added to the database in the course of 422 hrs. With the new software the amount of time to add the data to the database decreased by a factor of 20. Institutions no longer must upload their credentialing letters to CTSU; they are now uploaded automatically by our program, thus removing an extra step in the process.
Conclusion: Our new software has removed the time-consuming process of manually entering the credentialing letter data to our database by replacing it with automatic uploads. Moreover, the institutions will not have to spend time uploading their credentialing letters to the CTSU portal as the will be submitted by our software that same day. This will save time for institutions so they can enroll patients faster.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This work was funded by a grant from the National Cancer Institute
Clinical Trials, Quality Assurance
TH- External Beam- Photons: Quality Assurance - Linear accelerator
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