PO-GePV-T-303 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
ePoster Forums
Purpose: The Acuros XB dose calculation algorithm requires a material assignment, in particular for high Z materials, to perform accurate calculations. The purpose of this work was to create an Eclipse script that can assist in the clinical implementation of Acuros XB for treatment planning.
Methods: A script was created using the Varian Eclipse (v15.6) API to perform two separate functions during the clinical implementation of Acuros XB. First, the script checks that the Acuros XB model calculation algorithm is selected and that all the settings are correctly set according to our institutional policies and procedures. In the event that any parameters deviate from the institutional policies, the script shows the preferred setting on the script interface, and allows the user to request the change. Second, the script contours any material automatically with a CT number greater than 2600 HU and will alert the user if an extended HU CT should be requested.
Results: The script successfully detected high relative electron density material using the HU threshold described above which included titanium plates, dental fillings, hip prostheses, and spinal hardware (n=5) preventing these materials from going undetected or unassigned during planning. The graphic user interface served as a fast check for planners to ensure the correct model and settings were in use prior to calculation.
Conclusion: Scripting tools can be used for quality control and safety check in the clinical implementation of a new dose calculation algorithm to ensure settings are properly selected, and that any high electron density material is detected. This is particularly useful during the rollout and implementation process where more than one algorithm will be used in the clinic simultaneously.
Quality Assurance, Treatment Planning
TH- External Beam- Photons: General (most aspects)
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