SA- -206-0 (Saturday, 7/9/2022) 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 206
The Medical Physics Education, Training, and Professional Development in Latin America symposium is a strategic action of the AAPM International Council to promote the exchange and collaboration between medical physicists from Latin American countries and AAPM members. The main objective of the symposium is to stimulate the interaction between medical physicists working in hospitals, clinics, research and education institutions, and companies from different Latin American countries related to radiation therapy, imaging, and radiation protection. We bring together medical physics and health professionals from the Latin American region and across the globe to learn about the range of opportunities for medical physicists, including students and residents, to work together in global health. In addition, medical physicists from different Latin American countries present and discuss medical physics training models across countries and how models could be harmonized.
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