TU-H-207-0 (Tuesday, 7/12/2022) 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 207
Ultrasound elastography is one of the most exciting technologies developed in ultrasound research in the last three decades. It can provide an estimate of tissue elasticity or relative elasticity difference, which is a biomarker for many biological changes and disease progression, such as tumor, atherosclerosis, and fibrosis. Extensive research efforts have been devoted to the development of various ultrasound based elastography methods or modes. Despite the variations, the general idea is to perturb tissue with external or internal mechanical sources to generate a measurable displacement, detect the axial or shear deformation, and then deduce a parameter that is related to tissue elasticity. Some of these methods, imaging or non-imaging, point or 2D, qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative, have been realized on commercial ultrasound scanners for a number of years. Due to the wide availability, low-cost and safe profile of the technology, as well as clinical needs, the interest and usage of ultrasound elastography in the clinic have exponentially grown, such as in diagnostic imaging, ablation or treatment monitoring.
This lecture will provide an in-depth overview of the principles of various ultrasound elastography methods, including imaging mechanisms, post-processing, advantages and limitations, as well as clinical applications of shear wave elasticity imaging in ablation monitoring, obstetric imaging, and liver imaging.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the methods or modes of ultrasound elastography and the associated imaging mechanisms
2. Understand the advantages, limitations, and potential artifacts of strain elastography and shear wave elasticity imaging
3. Understand clinical applications of ultrasound elastography and potential issues related to clinical implementation of ultrasound elastography
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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