MO-AB-BRA-0 (Monday, 7/11/2022) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Ballroom A
An overview of the current challenges and future prospects in motion management for radiotherapy will be explored. We will first discuss existing motion management techniques in imaging for radiotherapy simulation. Focusing on 4D Computed Tomography, various acquisition and reconstruction techniques and associated challenges will be reviewed. Additional motion management techniques including breath hold will be examined, and other imaging modalities (PET, MRI) used in radiotherapy simulations will be discussed. Next, a review of passive and active motion management techniques will be presented with a focus on the treatment sites most commonly affected by respiratory motion. The requirements for imaging at simulation and during treatment or for intra-fraction motion monitoring will be discussed for each technique. The current clinical practice and the challenges to implementation will be discussed. Presentations will focus both on external beam photon radiotherapy and proton therapy. Finally, key concepts in real-time motion management by tracking will be discussed, and the potential to develop adaptive radiotherapy through dose real-time dose reconstruction will be explored.
Learning Objectives:
1. Review the different motion management techniques for simulation and treatment
2. Understand the challenges of motion management and potential novel techniques in photon and proton radiotherapy
3. Explore the use of real-time motion tracking for personalized adaptive radiotherapy
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Carlson: none Cammin: Past honoraria from Philips&Siemens (pre-2022) Bertholet: Inselspital has research agreement with Varian Teo: Varian research funding, IBA honoraria Poulsen: Varian grant on motion management, filed patents & applications related to motion management, co-owner of a start-up company (Ardos) that will work on dose reconstruction for RT
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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