MO-G-BRA-0 (Monday, 7/11/2022) 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Ballroom A
During this session, we will review two recent brachytherapy task group (TG) reports, TG-222 and TG-303. The AAPM Task Group 222 report provides recommendations for intraoperative mesh brachytherapy. Mesh brachytherapy is a permanent brachytherapy technique that uses low-energy brachytherapy sources fabricated onto an absorbable mesh material and sutured to the tumor bed immediately following a surgical resection. Although this technique was initially evaluated for lung cancer patient’s following a sublobar resection, its application has since been expanded in the adjuvant surgery treatment of brain cancers, head and neck cancers, and soft tissue sarcomas. During this session, a brief review of mesh brachytherapy procedures will be provided, as well as a discussion on planning, recommended dosimetric parameters, quality management, and a definition of medical events involving these procedures.
The focus of AAPM Task Group 303 is on MRI implementation in gynecologic and prostate high dose rate brachytherapy. Specifically, the TG was charged with developing recommendations for commissioning, clinical implementation, on-going quality assurance (QA), and to describe HDR brachytherapy (BT) workflows, as well as evaluate practical consideration that arise when implementing MR imaging. During this session, we will discuss protocol development, MRI basics, applicator commissioning, and workflow development during the implementation of MRI in HDR brachytherapy.
Learning objectives:
1. Learn mesh brachytherapy and treatment planning.
2. Learn recommended dosimetric parameters useful for evaluating mesh brachytherapy procedures.
3. Review recommendations for quality management unique to mesh brachytherapy.
4. Understand the definition of a medical event and specific nuances to mesh brachytherapy.
5. Review MRI basics and learn about protocol development in preparation for clinical implementation of MRI HDR brachytherapy.
6. Understand the process of applicator commissioning during the clinical implementation of MRI HDR brachytherapy.
7. Learn about workflow development during the implementation of MRI in HDR brachytherapy.
TH- Brachytherapy: General (most aspects)
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