| Wednesday 1:45 PM | WE-F-206-1 : Evaluation of a Conventionally Shielded Proton Treatment Room for FLASH Radiotherapy Z. Xiao*, J. Speth, Y. Zhang, E. Lee, A. Mascia, M. Lamba |
| Wednesday 1:55 PM | WE-F-206-2 : FLASH Irradiation of Drosophila Melanogaster Using Low Energy X-Rays A. Hart*, J. Dudzic, J. Eby, S. Perlman, M. Bazalova-Carter |
| Wednesday 2:05 PM | WE-F-206-3 : Measurement-Based Patient-Specific QA for Spot Scanning Proton FLASH Radiotherapy S. Huang*, Y. Yang, S. Wei, M. Kang, P. Tsai, C. Chen, C. Simone, H. Lin |
| Wednesday 2:15 PM | WE-F-206-4 : Plastic Scintillation Detector for Dosimetric Characterization of Mobetron Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Beam G. Famulari*, K. Zerouali, O. Piron, J. Aubry, F. DeBlois, J. Carrier |
| Wednesday 2:25 PM | WE-F-206-5 : Quantifying Reactive Species and Oxygen Consumed in FLASH Radiotherapy in Vitro to Assess Mechanisms of Tissue Damage Reduction J. Sunnerberg*, A. Petusseau, M. Rahman, X. Cao, P. Bruza, S. Vinogradov, B. Pogue |
| Wednesday 2:35 PM | WE-F-206-6 : Radiobiological Effects of Ultra-High FLASH Dose Rate Using X-Rays Generated by the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform D. Goia*, K. Shoniyozov, A. Velalopoulou, I. Verginadis, M. Kim, E. Diffenderfer, L. Dong, C. Koumenis |