| Wednesday 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | WE-C1030-IePD-F3-1 : The Spatial Accuracy of Ring-Mounted Halcyon Versus TrueBeam Linac for Single-Isocenter/Multi-Target SBRT Treatment R. Mallory*, D. Pokhrel |
| Wednesday 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | WE-C1030-IePD-F3-2 : A New Independent Outcome Predictor for Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Patients, Plan Averaged Beam Modulation H. Liu*, C. Li |
| Wednesday 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | WE-C1030-IePD-F3-3 : Dosimetric Sensitivity of Acuros XB to Lung HU Values in Lung SBRT Planning W. Wang*, Y. Yang, C. Kelsey, T. Mullikin, F. Yin, Y. Cui |
| Wednesday 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | WE-C1030-IePD-F3-4 : Development of Automated Sphere Placement Script for Lattice SBRT Using the Eclipse Scripting Application Programming Interface (ESAPI) W. Tucker*, M. Schmidt, T. Mazur, J. Hilliard, M. Spraker, J. Kavanaugh |
| Wednesday 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM | WE-C1030-IePD-F3-5 : Comparing the Analytic Anisotropic Algorithm Vs. Acuros XB for Dose Calculation in the Setting of Radioablation of Ventricular Tachycardia M. Prusator*, W. Tucker, T. Mazur, G. Hugo, S. Goddu, C. Robinson, P. Cuculich, P. Samson, M. Schmidt, N. Knutson |