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Taxonomy: IM- MRI : Safety, Risk evaluation & control

PO-GePV-I-42Importance of Determining the Maximum Magnetic Displacement Forces for Implanted Devices Everywhere Within the Magnet Bore: A 3T-7T Comparison Study
L Bardwell Speltz*, K Kirby, P Trester, I Langenfeld, M Bernstein, A Fagan, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
SU-F-207-7Investigation of the RF Heating Risk From Gas Supply Line During MR Guided Cryoablation
L Ren*, C Favazza, J Felmlee, D Woodrum, S Thompson, D Adamo, A Lu, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
SU-H300-IePD-F9-6Distribution of MR Safety Conditions Across Active Implanted Devices
A Panda*, Y Zhou, S Fahrenholtz, J Yu, E Rand, J Hines, W Sensakovic, Mayo Clinic, Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ
TU-D1000-IePD-F6-3A System-Wide Magnetic Resonance Safety Program as a Value Add Proposition
R Parker1, B Betz2, Y Zhou1, D Buer1, A Gray1, E Boote1*, (1) Spectrum Health, Grand Rapids, MI,(2) Advanced Radiology Services, Grand Rapids, MI
TU-D1000-IePD-F6-5Time Cost of Off-Label MR Scanning of Patients with Active Implants
A Panda*, S Fahrenholtz, Y Zhou, E Rand, J Yu, J Hines, W Sensakovic, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ
