TH-D-202-3 (Thursday, 7/14/2022) 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 202
Purpose: Studying Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) of proton irradiation is important for the understanding of its biological effects. This study develops a mechanistic model to compute RBE based on microscopic Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of DNA damages.
Methods: We used our in-house developed GPU-based microscopic MC simulation tool, gMicroMC, to compute double strand breaks (DSBs) of a multi-scale DNA model caused by proton or x-ray irradiations. Because DNA DSB is the major factor affecting cell death, we assumed that there is a universal function of cell survival fraction (SF) on number of DSBs, which holds for both x-ray and proton irradiations. We first computed number of DSB as a function of dose under the reference 60Co irradiation and used published 60Co SF data to derive the universal function of SF on number of DSBs. We then considered a 155-MeV proton beam normally impinging to water. At each depth, we computed dose as a function of DSBs, and used the universal function between SF and number of DSBs to compute SF as a function of proton beam dose. Finally, RBE was computed as the ratio of 60Co and proton doses to reach the same endpoint of 10% SF. We also computed linear energy transfer (LET) at different depths.
Results: Proton RBE increases with depth from ~1.03 at the entrance region (~25.0mm), to 1.18 before the pristine Bragg peak (155.0 mm), ~1.32 at the Bragg peak (161.2 mm), and ~ 1.76 at the beam range (167.7 mm). Dose averaged LET at these depths were 1.9 keV/µm, 7.7 keV/ µm, 12.7 keV/µm, and 20.6 keV/µm, respectively.
Conclusion: The proposed mechanistic model can compute proton beam RBE. Calculation results generally agreed with experimental results published in previous studies.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Cancer prevention and research institute of Texas # RP160661
TH- External Beam- Particle/high LET therapy: Proton therapy – computational dosimetry-Monte Carlo
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