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Beam Commissioning An Elekta Versa HD Linear Accelerator Using Accelerated Go Live Data

N Bassiri1*, P Park1, T Yamamoto1, L Sensoy2, S Palefsky3, M Keohane1, S Benedict1, (1) UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, (2) ,Miami, FL, (3) , Elekta


PO-GePV-P-15 (Sunday, 7/10/2022)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

ePoster Forums

Purpose: Accelerated-go-live (AGL) is Elekta’s efficient linear accelerator (linacc) commissioning system. Our purpose is to describe the beam commissioning of a VersaHD using AGL.

Methods: AGL data is vendor provided “golden beam data” which represents the nominal beam characteristics of an Elekta VersaHD. Starting on 11/23/2020, a beam model was created on RayStation TPS to replicate the AGL data. After linacc installation, acceptance testing was performed on 02/13/2021-02/15/2021, per Elekta’s customer acceptance test (eCAT) procedures. Next, beam data was collected from 02/16/2021-02/21/2021 to tune and verify the Versa HD’s beam. The measured beam was tuned to match AGL curves, and TPS beam data was used to verify beam parameters. A total of 250 and 150 depth and profile measurements were taken for the photon and electron beams, respectively. PDDs, output factors, and flatness and symmetry were performed on both photon and electron beams. Finally, a TG51 calibration was performed to produce 1cGy/MU in water at dmax, SSD=100cm, F.S.=10x10cm2. The treatment planning system was commissioned using a series of tests from MPPG 5a. Beam modeling and VMAT performance were used to test the efficacy of the beam model and dose calculation algorithm of the TPS. Photon and electron beam validation measurements were taken in a water phantom, and 30 (20 standard beam and 10 FFF) clinical VMAT plans were delivered to the SunNuclear ArcCHECK.

Results: The gamma passing rates for all beams, using the 2%/2mm criteria, was 100%. All MPPG 5a photon and electron beam tests passed, and all VMAT plans passed the TG218 recommended 3%/2mm gamma analysis. The 6MV, 10MV, and 15MV photon beams and all electron beams were released for clinical use on 03/03/2021 and 03/31/2021, respectively.

Conclusion: The AGL commissioning technique is an efficient technique to reduce commissioning time while producing a treatment beam up to clinical standards.


Commissioning, Linear Accelerator


TH- External Beam- Photons: Development (new technology and techniques)

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