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Intrafractional Accuracy and Efficiency of a Surface Imaging System for Deep Inspiration Breath Hold During Ablative Gastrointestinal Cancer Treatment

C Zeng*, W Lu, M Reyngold, J Cuaron, X Li, L Cervino, T Li, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY


PO-GePV-M-213 (Sunday, 7/10/2022)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

ePoster Forums

Purpose: Beam gating with deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) usually depends on some external surrogate to infer internal target movement, and the exact internal movement is unknown. In this study, we tracked internal targets and characterized residual motion during DIBH treatment, guided by a surface imaging system, for gastrointestinal cancer. We also report statistics on treatment time.

Methods: We included fourteen gastrointestinal cancer patients treated with surface imaging guided DIBH volumetrically modulated arc therapy, each with at least one radiopaque marker implanted near or within the target. They were treated in 25, 15, or 10 fractions. Thirteen patients received treatment for pancreatic cancer, and one underwent separate treatments for two liver metastases. The surface imaging system monitored a three-dimensional surface with ±3 mm translation and ±3◦ rotation threshold. During delivery, a kV image was automatically taken every 20◦ or 40◦ gantry rotation, and the internal marker was identified from the image. The displacement and residual motion of the markers were calculated. To analyze the treatment efficiency, the treatment time of each fraction was obtained from the imaging and treatment timestamps in the record and verify system.

Results: Although the external surface was monitored and limited to ±3 mm and ±3◦, significant residual internal target movement was observed in some patients. Range of residual motion was 3–21 mm. The average displacement for this cohort was 0–3 mm. In 19% of the analyzed images, the magnitude of the instantaneous displacement was >5 mm. The mean treatment time was 17 min with a standard deviation of 4 min.

Conclusion: Precaution is needed when applying surface image guidance for gastrointestinal cancer treatment. Using it as a solo DIBH technique is discouraged when the correlation between internal anatomy and patient surface is limited. Online radiographic verification is critical for safe treatments.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This research was funded in part through the NIH/NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA008748.


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