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Surrogate-Based Dynamic Tumor Motion Management Using Cine MRI in Radiotherapy

Z Ji*, N Knutson, M Schmidt, T Kim, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO


PO-GePV-M-256 (Sunday, 7/10/2022)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

ePoster Forums

Purpose: In radiotherapy, tumor motion evaluation plays a critical role in tumor targeting. In this project, we developed an application GUI tool to evaluate the motion of tumor, as well as surrogate such as diaphragm and abdomen, using cine MRI images for surrogate-based tumor motion management.

Methods: Cine MR images were collected during patient simulation from 1.5T Philips Ingenia MRI. Then the cine series was imported into Varian Eclipse using our developed API. Tumor, diaphragm and abdomen were contoured in Eclipse API. Cine MR images, as well as contours, were then exported and loaded into an in-house analysis GUI. First, tumor positions (center of tumor) were extracted cross all cine frames, from which the horizontal and vertical motions of tumors were analyzed. Further, diaphragm vertical motion across the diaphragm was measured, as well as the horizontal motion of abdomen across the whole abdomen contour was also measured. Both diaphragm vertical motion and abdomen horizontal motion were plotted together across all cine frames to evaluate the trend over the time course for the whole cine series.

Results: A study case was evaluated using the GUI (see the supporting document for details), which indicates the location of the tumor at +146.0 mm on the x-direction (AP) and +125 mm on the y-direction (SI) from the ROI of the abdominal surface. The full ranges of tumor motion using the center of a contour are ~6.5 mm on the x-direction and ~17 mm on the y-direction, while tumor and surrogates motion correlation was also observed.

Conclusion: We successfully developed the in-house analysis GUI to evaluate tumor and surrogate motion from MRI cine images for surrogate-based tumor motion management.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Mather Schmidt reports honoraria and consulting fees with Varian Medical Systems, Inc. and consulting fees with Lifeline Software, Inc. outside of the submitted work.


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