PO-GePV-M-281 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
ePoster Forums
Purpose: The generation of a report that describes the radiotherapy treatment plan is an important step in the treatment planning process to outline the delivery parameters and dosimetric quality. Treatment plan reports can be generated from vendor provided templates, through manual acquisition and compilation of reporting parameters, or through programmatic extraction of reporting parameters. In recent years, visual programming offers the ability to generate custom treatment plan reports efficiently and without programming experience or tedious manual data transfer.
Methods: A collection of five custom action packs, the singular programming method blocks of Visual Scripting (Eclipse, Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA), were developed to assist in the reporting of treatment plan parameters. These custom action packs include the Begin Flow Report, To Flow Report, and End Flow Report for reporting with the native C# FlowDocument object model as well as the Embed Flow Image and Embed Static Text for simple report enhancements. Custom sections to the treatment plan report are then generated by programming new custom action packs that integrate with the flow reporting action packs to generate detailed and consistent reports.
Results: To show the effectiveness of the flow reporting action packs, a reporting suite was programmed to highlight the types of report sections obtainable. These include the visualization of patient shifts from the CT sim marked origin to the planning isocenter, the external beam delivery information and the digitally reconstructed radiograph for the treatment field, and the dosimetric details for contoured structures.
Conclusion: Flow reporting enhances the capability of report generation through the treatment planning system’s visual programming interface allowing for the generation of creative and effective treatment plan reports in a single-click solutions.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Washington University receives research support from Siemens, Varian Medical Systems, and ViewRay. MCS reports honoraria and consulting fees from Varian Medical Systems, Inc. and consulting fees from Lifeline Software, Inc. outside of the supported work. GDH reports personal fees from Varian Medical Systems outside the scope of the present work.
Treatment Planning, Data Acquisition
TH- External Beam- Photons: treatment planning/virtual clinical studies
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