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Health and Wellness
AAPM meetings offer rich and diverse opportunities for the communication of science, research, education, and practice of medical physics, with robust discussions, networking, and professional and career development. It is the responsibility of all participants to foster a supportive meeting environment to enable effective interactions. The following resources are provided for all participants to facilitate their meeting participation. Read more »

Individuals who may not feel comfortable or are unable to participate in person may view the meeting and earn credits through the On-Demand registration option. On-Demand only attendees should review the content guidelines established for a specific meeting regarding presentations and availability.

All AAPM meeting participants shall abide by PP-31 - AAPM Code of Conduct at Meetings and Social Events.

In preparing presentation and ePoster materials, take note of the AAPM Meeting guideline regarding Use of Photography and Video:

While AAPM encourages sharing meeting activities via social media, we remind attendees that all presentation content, including ePoster content, is the property of the author and permission is required to share or reuse photographs or videos of work presented at the meeting, including sharing on social media.

If presenters indicate “no photography” on their presentation materials, taking photographs, videos, screenshots, or captures of the presentation or poster content is not allowed, for any use.

Otherwise, taking photographs or videos is allowed for personal use.

Spoken or displayed presentations or posters must not include offensive or inappropriate content, e.g. not consistent with the AAPM Code of Ethics. AAPM may modify captured meeting content as needed..

Registration is required to participate in the meeting.

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Oral Presentations

Moderator Gudelines

Presentation Times

  • Invited Speaker — Presentation times vary. Please refer to your disposition notification or contact the session organizer.
  • Early-Career Investigator Symposium — 12 minutes (10-minute presentation + 2 minutes questions and answers)
  • Early-Career Investigator Competition — 10 minutes (8-minute presentation + 2 minutes questions and answers)
  • Science Council Session — 12 minutes (10-minute presentation + 2 minutes questions and answers)
  • Best in Physics Oral Presentation — 10 minutes (8-minute presentation + 2 minutes question and answers)
  • Arthur Boyer Award for Innovation in Medical Physics Education — 15 minutes (12-minute presentation + 3 minutes questions and answers)
  • Scientific Oral Session — 10 minutes (8-minute presentation + 2 minutes questions and answers)
  • SNAP Orals — 7 minutes (5-minute presentation + 2 minutes questions and answers)

AV Guidelines

For the AAPM 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, each scientific session room will be equipped with one HD digital projection system with the display at 1920x1080 resolution for single projection of Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations.

Confidence Monitor: A large, strategically placed monitor facing the speaker/head table which displays the presentation on the screen behind the presenter, thus allowing the speaker to present to the audience with full "confidence" of what is being shown out of his/her line of sight, without having to turn to look at the screen.

Speakers will have the option to view their slides in "Presenter Mode" at the lectern. The monitor at the lectern will show the notes view, if selected. The large confidence monitor will show the slides seen by the audience.

Not all speakers will want to use this feature at the lectern, but for those who want to try it, the Speaker Ready Room will have stations with double monitors. Speakers will be able to see "Presenter Mode" on one screen and the regular presentation on the other.

Speaker Ready Room – Room 409AB (Level 2), Los Angeles Convention Center

The Speaker Ready Room will be equipped with the necessary equipment to review Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations. Technical staff will be available to assist you with the viewing or testing of your presentation.

Schedule of Operations:

Saturday - Wednesday, 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday, 7:00 AM - 2:30 PM

For your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation slides should be set up: 16:9.

Presenters WILL NOT be permitted to connect a laptop to the digital projector.

  • The DAY PRIOR to your presentation: Please bring your USB storage device to the Speaker Ready Room the day before your session during the same hour as your scheduled presentation to load the file into the presentation library and test your presentation. We recommend visiting the same hour as your talk to reduce the number of people in the Speaker Ready Room at any given time and to allow for each presenter to have ample opportunity to speak with a technician if necessary. All presentations loaded into the library will be transferred to the PC in the room where the presentation will be held. Technicians will be on duty in the Speaker Ready Room to assist you with checking your talk and depositing your file into the library. The support staff will not assist with the editing of files.
  • The day of your presentation: Please bring your USB storage device with you to the presentation room as a backup in case of emergency.
  • If attending the meeting only for the day of your presentation: It is strongly recommended that you visit the Speaker Ready Room to test the presentation..
  • PLEASE BE ADVISED, Moderators have been instructed to keep the session on schedule. If you opt NOT to test your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room and there is a problem with the file that you have hand carried to the meeting, you will be asked to either give your talk without the computer presentation or withdraw your talk altogether.

Plan your PowerPoint Presentation to be presented on a PC with the following configuration:


Intel Core I9 2.4 Ghz or faster processor, 8GB or greater RAM, 500GB or larger SSD, integral 16 bit audio, graphics card with 512MB or greater VRAM.


Windows 10 Pro, PowerPoint 2010 Pro, Acrobat reader (latest version,) QuickTime (latest version).

  • In PowerPoint versions prior to 2010 (PC) and 2011 (Mac) video clips (other than certain animated gif files) are not embedded in PowerPoint presentations; you will need to bring the separate video files with you and submit them along with your presentation.
  • There are many issues that can arise when PowerPoint files created on a Mac are run on a PC. If your presentation was created on a Mac, please come to the speaker ready room as early as possible, to give the technicians as much time as possible to fix any problems that might occur.
  • No network access will be available from the presentation rooms.
  • At the end of each day, the presentations for that day will be deleted from the presentation room PCs and the library and will not be retrievable by presenters.

Presentation Preparation
Oral Presentations

When creating your PowerPoint, check your settings to ensure that Page Size shows slides sized for: On-Screen Show (16:9).

page setup instruction

If you do not format your presentation in 16:9 then the presentation will display with black bars to the left and right and will not fill the screen properly.

  • Use background and text material to provide maximum text contrast, e.g., white, or yellow text against dark blue background, black or dark blue text against light gray or yellow background.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS text.
  • Avoid having more than 7 lines of text per slide and more than 8 words per line.
  • The text size should ideally not be smaller than 24-points.
  • Note that sans-serif fonts (e.g., Arial, Helvetica) are easier to read than serif fonts (e.g., Times Roman).
  • Use standard fonts as much as possible. For PowerPoint, embed nonstandard fonts into the presentation.
  • Avoid full sentences and excessive text in general. Bulleted items with key words are preferable. Remember that the slides are presented as a supplement to your talk, not the other way around.
  • Avoid having more than a maximum of two graphic features (e.g., plots or illustrations) per slide. A single feature per slide would be preferable.
  • Avoid presentation of excessive tabular information.
  • Animation and the use of color can effectively enhance a presentation. However, avoid excessive use of animation and colors as they can be distracting. These features should be used only as a means to enhance the communication objective of the lecture.
  • Plan your target number of slides to be 1-2 slides per minute of lecture time.
  • When you give your lecture, talk to your audience, not your slides! You should be facing your audience in most of your lecture.
  • Make sure that people can hear you well. Adjust the microphone if necessary.
  • Leave adequate time for questions per your Moderator's direction.

Oral Presentation Templates

Poster Presentations

Best in Physics, Best of Professional, Blue Ribbon, General Poster Discussion and Expanding Horizons

Poster Display Dimensions:

  • Hardcopy Poster
    • Best in Physics (BIP) — 8 feet wide by 4 feet high display (92" x 44"usable surface)
    • Best of Professional (BOP) — 4 feet wide by 4 feet wide display (44" x 44" usable surface)
    • Blue Ribbon Posters (BRP) — 4 feet wide by 4 feet wide display (44" x 44" usable surface)
    • General Poster Discussion (GPD) — 4 feet wide by 4 feet wide display (44" x 44" usable surface)
    • Expanding Horizons — 4 feet wide by 4 feet wide display (44" x 44" usable surface)
  • Digital Poster
    • General Poster Viewing (GPV)
      • All GPV poster submissions will be in PDF format. This is the only format that will be accepted.
  • Poster Upload | Online Viewing (This step is mandatory for all poster assignments)
    Poster submission for Online Viewing: Presenting Authors are required to upload their poster PDF files to the SPEAKER CENTER between May 6 and July 21, 2024.
    • Best in Physics | Best of Professional | Blue Ribbon | General Poster Discussion: Save your poster as a PDF and submit file in the SPEAKER CENTER.
    • General Poster Viewing: Submit your PDF poster file in SPEAKER CENTER.

Poster Specifications & Suggestions:

  • Accepted poster presenters should prepare posters with the following guidelines in mind.
    • Please ensure that your poster is designed in landscape-orientation.
    • Presenters are responsible for the development, printing, shipment, and display of all poster-related materials and any associated costs.
    • Permanent adhesives are prohibited; pushpins will be provided onsite for mounting. Please make adjustments to your design in order to use push pins for mounting the poster to the board.
    • Heavy boards or backing should not be used as they will not adhere to the display panels.
    • Include the names of the authors, your faculty sponsor’s name, and the name of your academic institution.
    • Your poster should include:
      • Final Paper Number
      • The title of your accepted abstract
      • Your name, and any other authors or mentors
      • A description of research goals and methods
      • A presentation of results
      • A summary of major conclusions
      • Future directions for the research
      • A short bibliography or list of references
      • Acknowledgments (citing any help received, mentors, or sources of funding)

What Makes a Good Poster?
Posters should attract the eye of passersby and present the main content in a succinct and quickly consumable format. Remember visual impact is important! Please think through the following design considerations when creating your poster:

  • Use large, uncomplicated fonts. The print should be legible from at least three to four feet away.
  • Convey your information with colorful images and figures.
  • Balance your text and images.
  • Think of reader “gravity”—how the viewer’s eye tends to move from top to bottom and from left to right—and incorporate that flow into your design.
  • Use headings, numbers, white space, or color frames to organize the information.
  • Include an abstract—a concise summary of your work, written in a way that makes the reader want to take the time to study your poster.
  • Engage the reader by including an image, model, or photo in your introduction.
  • Communicate the methods used with a flow chart, figures, or process diagram and a concise description.
  • Articulate the takeaway lessons in an understandable manner. While the poster serves as a visual aid while you talk, others may view it when you are not there.

Poster Format:

AAPM encourages you to use one of our poster templates. However, you are welcome to use your own.


Speaker Substitutions


This process applies only when an invited speaker must cancel after the meeting program is finalized.

  1. The invited speaker informs the session organizer that they will not be able to present.
  2. The session organizer informs the program director as soon as practical.
  3. The session organizer informs the program director as soon as practical after the substitute speaker is chosen.
  4. The program director notifies the HQ Meetings Team of the substitution as soon as practical. Notification must be made before the actual presentation.
  5. The program director sends a copy of the Letter to Invited Speaker to the invited speaker and a copy of the Letter to Substitute Speaker to the substitute speaker as soon as practical but before the end of the meeting. HQ will be cc’d on both letters.
  6. HQ staff changes the abstract author list in the Meeting Platform to reflect the substitute speaker as the speaker.  HQ staff will change the author list back to its original form at the end of the evaluation period.
  7. If the invited speaker does not respond to the Letter to Invited Speaker within one month, the program director is encouraged to send a reminder letter.
  8. If the invited speaker declines to submit a recording or does not respond to the Letter to Invited Speaker before the deadline given in the Letter, then no further action is needed. The presentation recording made during the meeting will remain on the Meeting Platform and will be uploaded into the Virtual Library.
  9. If the invited speaker responds that they want to submit a recording, HQ sends instructions, including technical requirements for the submitted file and the requirement to include an initial slide acknowledging the substitute speaker.
  10. Once HQ receives the recording, they notify the program director, and the program director sends the Follow-up Letter to Substitute Speaker (form letter created by TG-388) to the substitute speaker.
  11. If the recording is received by HQ before 4 weeks after the meeting ends, the recording is included on the meeting USB in place of the recording made during the meeting.  Otherwise, the recording made during the meeting will be included.
  12. HQ uploads the invited speaker’s recording into the Meeting Platform after the evaluation period has closed.
  13. HQ uploads the invited speaker’s recording in the Virtual Library per AAPM policy. The invited speaker’s recording must contain acknowledgement of the substitute speaker.

